Monday, November 2, 2009

15 Twitter Users Shaping the Future of Publishing

U.S. Leading the World in Mobile eBook Use:
“Currently, iPhone owners consume 42.1% of all mobile ebooks served up via Wattpad, which tracks ebook usage in 160 countries. And 78% of all iPhone ebook usage comes from North America.”

Estimated Kindle Sales:

“Working from my previous estimate, 783,000 as of July 1, and building in unit volume growth of 60 percent—sales revenue gains in electronics in the U.S., $217 million higher in the first three quarters of 2009 than in 2008, seems to be driven heavily by Kindle sales—I estimate Amazon has sold 1,072,000 Kindles as of Sept. 30, 2009. That would be 289,000 Kindles sold during Q3.”

FTC Clarifies Blogs and Reviews:

Social Media Statistics

Social Classes and Social Networks